浙江率先出台“滩长制” 8月正式实施
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浙江省象山县墙头镇联合渔政执法人员在西沪港海域清理滩涂串网。(凤凰网) |
Zhejiang province is to appoint coast chiefs to fight pollution and illegal fishing.
The provincial government said that the arrangement will take effect on August 7 and by the end of this year all coasts in Zhejiang should have their chiefs.
滩长(coast chief)的主要任务包括全面取缔海滩违禁渔具、“三无”渔船(imposing a comprehensive ban on illegal fishing gears and unlicensed fishing boats),加强入海排污口和农药清滩行为监管(strengthening supervision on waste and pesticide discharged into the sea),加强非法占用海滩( illegal use of coasts)、非法修、造、拆船舶监管(illegal ship building, repairing and recycling),加强岸线管理和整治修复(shoreline management and renovation)。
浙江省海洋与渔业局相关负责人表示,海滩管理涉及海洋资源保护(marine resources conservation)、海陆水环境治理(land and sea water environment management)、海滩使用管理等,是一项范围广、领域多、变动大的复杂的系统工程。
“河长”(river chief)就是河流管护的第一责任人。在全面推广的河长制责任体系中,各地将建立省、市、县、乡四级河长体系(government officials will be hired as river chiefs at provincial, city, county and township levels);各省(自治区、直辖市)设立总河长,由党委或政府主要负责同志担任(heads of provincial regions will be general chiefs that are responsible for all rivers and lakes in the region)。
各级河长的主要任务包括:加强水资源保护(resource protection);加强河湖水域岸线管理保护(shoreline management and protection);加强水污染防治(water pollution prevention and control);加强水环境治理(water environment management);加强水生态修复(ecological restoration);加强执法监管(law enforcement monitoring)。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)
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