“The Three Musketeers” by Alexandre Dumas
There should be more book recommendations made on Dumas' masterpiece, than just for the worn-out Musketeers' quote on the magic blend of individuality and brotherly unity. There are enough quotable insults to sink a small Shakespearian ship, just between Athos and Aramis and Porthos, besides the wrangles they have with the young hothead D'Artagnan. There is villainy most foul, with Cardinal Richelieu trying to have young King Louis XIII assassinated. A host of minor characters, including the Musketeers' manservants, keep the dialogue lively, and the sinister blend of high-level politics and love keep everyone occupied.
《三个火枪手》将个人和兄弟情义魔法般地融为一体,以往引经据典的书评至今已觉不新鲜,我们应当有更多书评推荐大仲马这部大作。 且不谈阿托斯、阿拉米斯、波托斯还有年轻莽撞的达达尼昂之间的纠葛,单摘录三剑客之间的唇枪舌剑就足以打沉莎士比亚时代的一艘小船。恶贯满盈的红衣主教黎塞留,试图刺杀年幼的国王路易十三。还有包括火枪手的男仆在内的一群小角色,使得对话生动风趣;此外,正邪相混的高层政治和爱情让每一个读者全神贯注无暇分心。
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