
1. lovey-dovey 秀恩爱,(在公开场合)卿卿我我的,过分亲热的
I don’t want to go out with Jenny and David. They’re so lovey-dovey, I just can’t stand it.
2. be an item 有恋爱关系
I saw Darren and Emma there. Are they an item?
3. love at first sight 一见钟情
My wife and I met at a party. It was love at first sight.
4. have (got) the hots for sb 非常想和(某人)上床
She's got the hots for this guy in her office.
5. puppy love 初恋,青梅竹马;少男少女间短暂的爱情
- My son is only twelve, but he’s already in love. Isn’t it a bit too early?
- 我儿子才12岁就开始恋爱了。是不是太早了点儿?
- Don’t worry, it’s only puppy love. It won’t last.
- 别担心,这种早恋持续不了不久的。
6. double dates 两对男女一起约会(或出游)
I’m so glad you and Tom’s brother are an item. From now on we can go on double-dates.
7. on the rocks (感情)出现危机,濒临崩溃
I think their marriage is on the rocks.
8. love-rat (男性)偷情者,偷腥的人
Don’t even think about asking Jane out. How could you look your wife in the eye? Don’t be a love rat.
9. pop the question 求婚
So did he pop the question, then?
10. tie the knot 结婚
So when are you two going to tie the knot?
11. blind date 男女初次约会;相亲
Elaine arranged for me to go on a blind date with a bloke from her office.
12. fix sb up with 为某人介绍对象
I’m not going to the party unless you promise me you won’t try to fix me up with another friend of yours.
13. those three little words 那三个字(我爱你)
I think he loves me, but he hasn’t said those three little words yet.
14. walk out on sb 突然离开,抛弃(配偶等)
He walked out on his wife and two kids.
15. leave sb at the altar 婚前一刻落跑
- I’ve just met my ex-boyfriend. I think I still have feelings for him.
- 我最近见着了前男友。我觉得我对他还有感觉。
- But you’re about to get married to John. Are you going to leave him at the altar?
- 但你就要和约翰结婚了呀。你该不是要当落跑新娘吧?
16. split up / break up 分手;断绝关系;离婚
Have you heard? Marian and Joseph have split up.
17. kiss and make up 言归于好,床头打架床尾和
Our relationship is like a roller-coaster ride. We fight nearly every day, but then we always kiss and make up.
18. fall in love 相爱,坠入情网
I thought I was falling in love.
19. match made in heaven 天生一对
Matt and Amanda are a match made in heaven.
20. head over heels (in love) 深深地(相爱)
Look at them. They’re head over heels in love with each other.
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