A writer has splashed out on expensive surgery to make him look like his all-time hero - William Shakespeare.The devoted superfan, Chinese writer Zhang Yiyi, 34, shelled out a colossal £151,000 on operations which helped him to achieve his long-held dream of looking like the Hamlet playwright.
Yiyi decided to get work done on his nose, eyes and lips, and fans say he bears an uncanny resemblance to the poet from Stratford-upon-Avon, but his decision has shocked some in his home country and sparked debate on the internet.
One commentator, Na Peng from Beijing, said: "I think he has an excellent physical likeness to Mr Shakespeare."His eyes and nose look very similar and he has done it as a tribute. What greater sacrifice could someone make? I think it was a good idea."Anyway, it is his money and he can spend it on what he likes."
But city construction worker Feng Kung said: "It is ridiculous, what a total waste of money. Why would anyone want to do something like this to their face."Personally, I think it is a bit weird. That is a life changing amount of money and I can’t see much difference anyway."
Committed Yiyi had a total of 10 operations over several months including eye reconstruction, eyelid surgery, nose surgery and a face tuck.Shakespeare's famously bald head is something Yiyi is as yet unable to emulate, but he has now grown his hair much longer to aid the resemblance.The accomplished writer decided to save for the operations three years ago, putting aside his book royalties to pay.
As well as his looks, Yiyi shares part of his life story with the Romeo and Juliet supremo.He was born in humble surroundings in the Hinan Province in Central China but went on to become a well-regarded writer.
When Shakespeare was young, his father was declared bankrupt, forcing the young writer to stand on his own two feet and forget about going to university.Yiyi also grew up in a debt-ridden family, circumstances which were down to the failure of his father's business.
He failed to gain a university diploma because he failed the college enrolment examination and struggled financially for years, but his hard work paid off when he became one of the most successful writers in China along with other young writers like Han Han, Tangjiasanshao and Guo Jingming.
LA man Toby Sheldon says Justin Bieber is his inspiration.
He has had $100,000 worth of surgery since 2008 in an effort to look like the star, who is 14 years his junior.
Sheldon is an aspiring singer-songwriter.
He says he has no regrets about his surgeries.
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